
This app allows the exploration of cis-regulatory elements (CREs) active in the developing mouse cerebellum.
If you are using this app, please consult and cite our publication:
Sarropoulos, I., Sepp M. et al. The regulatory landscape of cells in the developing mouse cerebellum. biorxiv (2021)

1. Select a CRE

You can scroll horizontally to explore additional options.

2. Show in genome browser

Your CRE is shown in red. Other robust/non-robust CREs are shown in dark/light blue respectively.
Genomic interactions highlight CRE assignment to target genes in our study (purple/blue: in/out browser view).
Genomic region displayed:


Please select a CRE

3. Plot CRE activity

Cell annotation

Not a valid symbol
Download plot

Please select a CRE

4. Download data

Warning: Some of these files are large, so downloading might take a while.
RDS files contain SummarizedExperiment objects (1.16) that can be read into R using readRDS().

(2.0 GB)
Peak by cell matrix (with associated information about peaks and cells).
(4.2 GB)
Gene scores by cell matrix.
(1.1 GB)
chromVar motif scores (deviations and Z-scores) by cell matrix.
(70 MB)
Summary information for CREs (genomic and evolutionary characterization, activity etc).
(50 MB)
Summary information for cells (annotation, sample, clusters etc).